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Creating Culture

The Positive Coaching Alliance defines culture as, "the way we do things here." If the coach isn't intentional in setting the culture, one will be set for the team and that's a gamble.








The Winning Youth Coaching podcast is a great way to grasp many concepts and gain some amazing insight into the way successful youth, high school and college coaches conduct business. 


Specifically, episodes 105 - 112 which are all dedicated to developing team culture. Find them here


Former Ohio State football head coach Urban

Meyer lists three keys on how to build a winning


1. Hire great coaches that care about players

2. Teach great players that care about improving

3. Have them develop trust between each other

















Joe Ehrmann on Culture

John C. Maxwell on Culture

Andrew Sillitoe at TEDx on Culture

Doc Rivers on Culture

Fantastic book by authors Curt W. Coffman and Kathie Sorenson, PhD


Culture Eats Strategy for Lunch

Julie Foudy on Culture

Jamie Fitzpatrick on Culture

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